Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Another Update...

Man did I have a day today. When I woke up, I just wanted to go back to sleep and skip that whole school thing. Turns out that's not so easy to do when you are a teacher instead of a student! The kids actually noticed how much I was yawning and kicking myself awake! Even though I probably could have found a couple hours worth of work after a meeting, I got myself out of there real quick to sleep and relax! I know everyone one of you has had one of those days. Has it happened anytime recently??

New quote from a student:
*We were stretching and doing some exercises for their "WOW" time and one little girl stopped and said...
"Ms. Lisee, you're really stretchable!" (I'm thinking she meant flexible, but oh so cute!)

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Classroom view

So I have an awesome view from my classroom! I have one large window and you can see downtown from it! On a clear day, you can even see the UT tower. These pictures weren't really taken on the best day, but they do show that I have an awesome location! I am realizing how exhausting teaching can be. I have actually started drinking soda in order to get a pick-me-up to help me through the exceptionally long days. It doesn't help that I haven't really been sleeping that well either. I am in the process of scheduling parent teacher conferences which I am Oh so excited for. However, I am very excited that Zeb will be visiting her dear old sister in just a couple weeks! Can't wait Zebba! To end this post I will put a response that one of my students said after another student asked "What is a Democrat?"

Response: "A democrat is a black man and a republican is a white man running against him"

Me: "Well, I can see why you might think that, but that's not really the definition for every democrat and republican....etc"

Doesn't this make you wonder what kinds of things children hear and think?

Sunday, September 14, 2008

3 weeks down...a whole lot more to go

Wow, I cannot believe it has been 3 weeks of teaching. I have been sick for about 2 of those. I finally went to the doctor believing I had Strep, but apparently it was just a wicked virus combined with some pretty heavy chest congestion. The medicine is helping tremendously so I'm thinking it might have been bacterial as well. It was weird going to the doctor with my own personal medical insurance (and I think I have way better than you do, Mom!) I have had "Back to School Night" or "Open House" as some call it. The parents of my students are just as awesome as all my kids are. The actual teaching is not stressing me out. The organization, time management, and sickness are what stresses me out. I loved having the chance to go home to visit family after my first week, but I don't think I will make it back again until Thanksgiving. I try to have a life on weekends at least, but usually I spend one night just sleeping to catch up on what I've lost over the week. I have been told I will be sick for this whole first year, but if you are reading this, please pray that I will be the exception to that rule for first year teachers! I miss everyone and hope you are doing well!