Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Losing touch

It is so easy to put things and even people on the back burner when
you get busy. Technically, I should probably be writing more
frequently on here when I get busy since that means I am talking to my
friends and family a heck of a lot less in person, on the phone, etc.
I am bad about letting things slide. I don't think I'm a bad friend
(or atleast I hope I'm not!) but I've been thinking lately about
significant people and friends in my life that I have lost touch with.
Don't get me wrong--I know this happens. It's a part of life and
growing up, and yada yada yada. Even so, I have been making an
effort to get back in touch with people I've missed. I encourage you
to do the same. It's always nice to hear from an old friend. Let me
know if reconnecting works for you. Good luck!

Sent from my iPhone

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

One of "those" days...

Do you have one day that you almost dread? A day you try to ignore when it shows up on the calendar? Tomorrow is one of those days for me. Eight years ago I was a different person living in a separate world, but this time of the year still has an impact. It makes me reflect, regret, relive, renew doubt, renew hope, and renew appreciation for all the love and support I am blessed to have around me. I know I am truly lucky.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Fun Weekend

I spent this weekend gambling in Shreveport! :) I had a professional development day on Friday (meaning the kids had no school and the teachers did) so we were on the road by 3:30 pm. It was my first time actually being in a casino so we played penny slots. We each put in $100 and he didn't do as well as I did... I got down to $70 at the penny slots. First I won 50 free games and got back up to the $80's. Then I won a little here and there and got back to $92. After that, I won a bonus feature and got 100 free games...out of that I won 50 more free games...out of that I won 15 more...and I ended up winning $78.45 on an initial $0.15 bet. (I have pictures to prove it and will be posting those soon!) I got up to $171 and the first thing I said was that I had to call Meme! (Those of you who know my grandma will understand!) We decided I was lucky due to the temporary #5 tattoo one of my students had given me the day before and I put on my wrist. :)

I wasn't so lucky on Saturday, but I didn't lose that much at all. This is mostly because I didn't bet that much either. I also refused to play blackjack since it was a $25 minimum and I had only played blackjack for pennies with my family! I did, however, find a pretty fabulous dress so I think my luck went towards shopping and not gambling!

All in all, it was a fun weekend! I'm glad I decided to leave Austin and do something new! I hope this weekend was fun for all of you as well!

Saturday, February 14, 2009


Happy Hearts Day everyone! :)

Sent from my iPhone

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Kid talk

As we were lining up for lunch, one of my boys just stood there and studied me for almost a full minute.

Boy: "Ms. Lisee, I think you're darker on your bottom half than your top." (pointing to my legs and then my arms/neck)

Me: "Sweetie, I'm wearing pantyhose." (pinching the pantyhose off my leg)

Boy: "Oh well that's good because if you weren't wearing tights then that would hurt if you were pulling your skin like that."


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Quote to keep teachers going...

"Only the brave should teach. Only those who love the young should teach. Teaching is a vocation. It is as sacred as priesthood, as innate a desire, as inescapable as the genius which compels a great artist. If he has not the concern for humanity, the love of living creatures, the vision of the priest and the artist, he must not teach."

--Pearl S. Buck

Saturday, February 7, 2009

February holidays

So I am starting to get ready for my Valentine's party at school that will happen later this week. I have never been a big fan of Valentine's day, but my students are already getting excited.

In honor of this annoying holiday, I figured I'd share a quote that is actually on the box that my perfume came in. I wear "Falling in Love" by philosophy. I kept the box because I'm a big fan of what's written on it! So here's a little food for thought... :)

"When it comes to love you need not fall but rather surrender. Surrender to the idea that you must love yourself before you can love another. You must absolutely trust yourself before you can absolutely trust another and most importantly you must accept your flaws before you can accept the flaws of another."

Thursday, February 5, 2009

One Giant Leap for "Stephkind"

So today was a pretty historic day for me. I stood up for myself as a woman and as a person for probably the first time. I realize this sounds like nothing, but if you know me then I know odds are...your jaw just dropped. I will no doubt feel guilty about it later, but for the time being I'm a little proud.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Another weekend

I did a few new things this weekend. Friday night was spent at main event for someone's birthday. I played shuffleboard for the first time, ddr in the arcade, and then rocked at glow in the dark mini golf.
Saturday, I shot a gun for the first time. I had to learn and memorize the 4 rules of gun safety before I even touched my friend's gun. Then, he named all the parts of the gun, disassembled it, and put it back together again. I had to do this while naming each part. At the shooting range, he showed me how to stand and hold the gun while aiming. There were three of us who went and we all got to do plenty of shooting. The target was only 3 meters away, but I think I really started to get the hang of it by the end.
I spent the Superbowl tonight with a group of friends at someone's apartment. It was very laid back and chill, but I'm pretty sure I was the only one rooting for the Steelers. Too bad for everyone else.... :)