Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Field trip!

Quick follow-up on the concert... It was awesome! Loved it. He is so freaking talented.

So we have gone on 2 field trips in the past 2 weeks. One was only a couple hours out of the classroom and the other was the whole day. The whole day is the one I have pictures of! The place was beautiful and the kids, parents, and I got to have a bit of a hike looking at the plant life, limestone, natural waterfall, and a cave with stalactites and stalagmites. Field trips really take it out of you though! Ours was on a Monday so it was a hectic start to the week. Then Halloween is on Friday so that will definitely be a hectic end to the week.

My kid quotes for this time are from our field trip. When we were looking at a breathtaking view of trees covering a vast expanse of hillside from an observation deck, one child busts out with "I like to call this a broccoli garden." The guide had no idea what to say to that.
Then we were looking at an old bald cypress tree with its roots intertwined with the creek bed and another kid says "OOO, a frog resort!" and proceeds to ribbit until given the teacher look. Cute, loud, endearing, and annoying all at the same time! :)

Thursday, October 23, 2008

School Schmool

It is so easy to forget I have this thing. When I spend most of my time grading, planning, organizing, doing paperwork, sleeping, and having a life when I get is easy to let this slide! Well my first 9 weeks are done! Report cards went home, conferences are done, and my kids are showing their true colors. They are still sweet, but they already seem to be getting on each other's nerves. We had a field trip this week that was only an hour out of school and now we have another one this Monday for the entire day! Then Halloween is on Friday so if you know I won't be able to get anything productive done that day. I have live crayfish being delivered on Wednesday, but we are still in the middle of soil and plant life.
On a more exciting note, I am going to see Jason Mraz tomorrow in concert! Go ahead and be jealous because it is rare I get to have such grown-up fun!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Conferences and more...

So this weekend was fabulous. Zeb and I did a lot of grading, had some sushi, played some games, and acted like complete lazy nerds. I love you Zeb! I welcome visitors! *hint, hint*
On another note, I started conferences this week. 5 down, 17 to go. They are going well so far (knock on wood) because I have such great kids! I don't really have a quote, but my kids are completely in awe when I sing the 50 states song. Apparently, I'm cool because I can sing the 50 states in alphabetical order. Seriously, they want me to type it out for them. Ain't (Wow, it's hard even typing that word...I wanted to type isn't, but it just doesn't have the same effect) that cute?