Monday, June 15, 2009

Fingers crossed

So summer is great. I think we should have half of the year be summer so teachers can have more time off :). David and I have already been fishing and I've already finished a book or two! I am going to Connecticut again for yet another family reunion this Wednesday. I'm staying for a week this time AND David is joining us on Friday. Keep your fingers crossed that he doesn't run for the hills or get overwhelmed after meeting the rest of the family. Now for those of you reading right now from Connecticut, don't get me wrong. By all means give him a hard time, but just don't tell embarrassing stories about me :)

Thursday, June 4, 2009

End of year....

Yesterday was my last day with the kiddos. I only cried once! One of the moms wrote me a note explaining how I made a difference in her daughter's life. She told me I chose the right profession because I will change lives -- and I'm good at it! It was a very sweet card so I had no choice but to cry and give the daughter a bear hug! I scored on teacher gifts considering the really big one was parents getting together to purchase a Visa gift card. At the end of the day at my school, all the classes line up or sit down around the flag pole at the front of the school. We sing the school song and then the girl or boy scouts lower the flag instead of raising it like we did at the beginning of the year. Then they make all the teachers go inside the circle of kids and parents, and we all have to do the chicken dance. Apparently we were even on the Austin news at 5:00 last night showing "end of year" activities. Of course I didn't watch! I was standing next to Mimi (my old cooperating teacher that is moving to middle school next year) and Krista (a girl from the same cohort as me who got hired at the same time I did). It seemed a fitting and fun end to the school year. I still have to go in today with just the teachers for a faculty meeting and to make sure my classroom is all clean. Tonight we are having a staff boat party for a few hours. I'll let you know how fun that was after the fact! Tomorrow, I am going to see Wicked in San Antonio with a friend. I cannot wait! So even though it is sad that I had to say goodbye to my wonderful class, I have exciting things happening the next two days. I am sure I will feel a void in my life next week. We'll see.