Thursday, April 30, 2009

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Relaxing Weekend

I have had a pretty lazy and fun weekend. Friday night, David took me to get my first professional massage. The therapist said I definitely had my "street cred" for being a teacher after feeling my shoulders and neck. I don't know why I have never gotten a massage until now. I felt completely relaxed and stress-free. I think I just might have to start treating myself to one every once and awhile.

Last night, we ended up seeing that new movie, "Earth" at Alamo Drafthouse. We had actually seen a lot of the footage since quite a bit was taken from Planet Earth, but there was still new stuff that was worth seeing. I enjoyed it at least!

Today will be spent grading, planning, and doing a teacher self report that has to be completed every year I am observed. Math TAKS test will be this Tuesday, so please think about me that day! I am sure they will all do great, but keep your fingers crossed for my kiddos! :)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Teacher Quote :)

I have an 'Apple a Day' Teacher calendar. I love some of the quotes in it!

"No one has yet fully realized the wealth of sympathy, kindness, and generosity hidden in the soul of a child. The effort of every true education should be to unlock that treasure."

~Emma Goldman

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Easter & more

Easter weekend was too short for me. Even though I did not have school on Friday, I still would have liked more time off! I think it would make more sense to have Monday off rather than Friday so I wouldn't have to drive back to Austin on Easter.

David came over for dinner and met the whole crew - Dad, Mom, Val, Jason, Emma, Zeb, and Andrew. He passed the "test" and everyone liked him. The next night I went over to his parents house for dinner. I learned a new card game and of course, won both hands we played! I tend to be fairly lucky in cards, especially the first time I play a game.

School is pretty stressful nowadays what with Math TAKS test right around the corner. Everyone is tense and trying to cram and review everything in the next 2 weeks. I am feeling pretty crummy again...chest congestion and sore throat. Seriously, I am so over getting sick.

Tonight I made my own Spinach Artichoke Dip and garlic shrimp with rice. The food was pretty great, but I burned the heck out of my arm. I ignored it when it happened and then it just kept expanding. I had some people over for wine and dip and they kept pointing out how bad the burn was looking. It's a good thing I have a high pain tolerance. Plus, I think my arm took some of the attention off my throat. I'm hoping this sucker doesn't blister or scar...

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Strep and sunsets

So I was pretty darn sick Saturday and Sunday. I took a sick day on
Monday and it's a good thing because when I finally saw the doc, she
told me I had strep...again. I had to stay home on Tuesday in order to
be on medication for 24 hours, not be contagious, and not be racked
with pain. Today was my first day back this week and I had gotten used
to sleeping during the day. My voice was squeaky and hoarse, like a
raspy muppet (LOL)!

Tonight David took me on a picnic to Mt. Bonnel which could easily be
the prettiest place in Austin. It is basically a huge cliff that looks
over houses on the lake and then you can stand on a bench and see
downtown and the clock tower all lit up. We got there in time to watch
the sunset so we drank some wine, ate our picnic, and watched the sun
go down. Pretty fabulous first day back after being sick if you ask

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